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What is Victimology and Why is it Important?


Victimology is the psychological study of the effects that crime has and the relationship between the criminal and the victim. It looks at the impact and consequences crimes have on the victims to better understand how to help them. This study is important because it seeks to understand why certain victims are targeted by criminals. Victimology also allows better communication between victims, law enforcement, and anyone else involved in the justice process.


What is the difference between Criminology and Victimology?


The main difference between criminology and victimology is the person in the focal point. Criminology as one might guess is focused on the crime that was committed and the criminal. The goal is to understand why crimes are committed so that they can be prevented in the future. Whereas Victimology is a subset of criminology that looks at the consequences of the crime on the victim. This is done through looking at the patterns of victim-criminal relationships and the role of the victim within the justice system. Victimology is a key factor of restorative justice, which focuses on healing rather than punishment.


Learn more about Victimology using the resources below:


At the Federal Level

At the State Level

Sam Houston State University Crime Victims' Institute (CVI) 

          CVI's Recent Publications

          CVI's Resource Directory: Here you can search for resources using county name or city name